• alfalahinstitute
New Masjid Expansion Project - 200 Shares remaining to sponsor
New Masjid Expansion Project - 200 Shares remaining to sponsor

FOCUS! New Youth Group for Boys- Register NOW

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  • Alfalah Institute

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Dear Respected Community Members,

Al Falah Institute has been working diligently on projects to fulfill its vision of providing an educational haven for the boys and girls of the Muslim Community. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce: FOCUSa youth group for boys between the ages of 12-16 years old!!  The aim of the program is to encourage positive internal growth to build a strong foundation in becoming upstanding and contributing members of our community locally and beyond.  In order to connect our youth to the Deen in an era becoming increasingly void of spirituality and full of gratuitous materialism, FOCUS will offer our boys a sanctuary to create strong, lifelong bonds with their fellow Muslim brothers.  The program will provide mentors to guide the children, and consist of fun activities and halaqas that will be spiritually uplifting and build confidence in the future leaders of our communities.

The first 5-week course will focus on responsibility, self-development and virtuous character in Islam.  Sessions will be held every Saturday afternoon starting November 16th and ending December 14th 2024 from 2-5pm.

Registration Deadline is Wednesday November 14th.

Registration fee is $30 and includes activities and snacks.

Click Here to Register:


Event Booking Form:

Online bookings are not available for this event.